vlog Sydney

[A capybara lives here!] Kami di Australia, jadi mari kita lihat koala dulu. Kerja bagus untuk rambut Anda [Reading some info about koalas] [I can’t take my eyes off them] [We came indoors] [What chu doin there turtle?] [A snake inside the water] [Scared] Sangat menakutkan, sangat menakutkan! [As we walked along this path…] [An amazing view greeted us!] [The next animal friend we met was…] [My all-time favorite] [I’m off to see capybaras now!]
Mereka sebenarnya jauh lebih besar dari yang saya kira [They were sleeping] [I’ll come visit you guys again] Mari menjadi bugar! [One two, one two!] Saya pikir bintang-bintang akan menjadi sangat terlihat suatu saat Seperti ketika hari menjadi semakin gelap. Jika diperhatikan lebih dekat, ada banyak sekali bintang. Ternyata, kamu bisa melihat Mars dengan sangat jelas hari ini. [We’re gonna see Mars from here] [We waited here while watching the sunset] Mars ada di sana [VLOG from another day] [I’m in a great mood because the weather is perfect] [*Caution: Strong Wind Sound*] Jalan-jalan! Kami berada di Blue Mountains Kami berkendara sekitar 40 menit Kami datang dari jauh untuk mencari udara segar! [Bumped into a furry four-legged buddy while walking] [HENLO HENLO]
[Leaving behind my furry friend] [We continued with our walk] [Such a grand view] [Having absolutely no idea what will happen next…] [I was so happy exploring] [We had to run to see the sunset] Kupikir aku akan mati JENNIE [I’ll leave a proof shot!] [Can you see Sydney’s night sky?] [I’m so sad how it doesn’t show well on camera…it was so pretty!] [See you again in my next VLOG]